nextflow cache
最后发布时间 : 2024-09-06 10:27:45
浏览量 :
- github issue Add cloud cache plugin
- nextflow cache Class Diagram
- Nextflow runtime updates: Talking tasks
Comparing the hashes of two runs
When using -dump-hashes json
,the task hashes can be more easily extracted into a diff. Here is an example Bash script to perform two runs and produce a diff:
Sep-24 20:44:26.798 [Actor Thread 4] INFO nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor - [saySecond (1)] cache hash: 6d013ed42165601f566441641599822b; mode: LENIENT; entries: [
"hash": "52fc10538560a06bf4eefb5029a3a408",
"type": "java.util.UUID",
"value": "68e313b7-a96b-482f-aa5a-5d3c2971779c"
"hash": "4f60e6294a34dfbe2dd400257e58d05e",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"value": "saySecond"
"hash": "480d57b7cbbe5454ea270a39e044ed1e",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"value": " \"\"\"\n cat $db = > db2.json\n \"\"\"\n"
"hash": "112f589ee6fa1b07d3f510e3885ea446",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"value": "master:5000/stress:latest"
"hash": "0d39a5ff3a5c828a386e57fe6d0f07cd",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"value": "db"
"hash": "9598b73b3492f1a8034f97fd39eff09f",
"type": "nextflow.util.ArrayBag",
"value": "[FileHolder(sourceObj:/data/workspace/1/nf-hello/db/a.txt, storePath:/data/workspace/1/nf-hello/db/a.txt, stageName:a.txt)]"
"hash": "4f9d4b0d22865056c37fb6d9c2a04a67",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"value": "$"
"hash": "16fe7483905cce7a85670e43e4678877",
"type": "java.lang.Boolean",
"value": "true"
process saySecond {
scratch true
stageInMode "copy"
container "master:5000/stress:latest"
cache 'lenient'
path db
cat $db > db2.json
workflow {
ch_input = Channel2.fromPath(["/data/workspace/1/nf-hello/db/a.txt","/data/workspace/1/nf-hello/db/b.txt"])
directive cache
process noCacheThis {
cache false
<your command string here>
directive cache包含一下几个值:
- false: disable cache
- true(default): Enable caching. Input file metadata (name, size, last updated timestamp) are included in the cache keys.
- 'deep': Enable caching. Input file content is included in the cache keys.
- 'lenient': Enable caching. Minimal input file metadata (name and size only) are included in the cache keys.
Mar-17 09:09:32.392 [Actor Thread 54]
INFO nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor -
[6e/c88da8] Cached process > BOWTIE2TWINS (YH4_T1)
Mar-17 09:09:32.850 [Task submitter]
DEBUG nextflow.executor.GridTaskHandler -
[SLURM] submitted process BOWTIE2TWINS (DH4_T1) >
jobId: 579084;
workDir: /data/metagenomics/pml_nextflow/work/7e/184f076728f7fca360e15c152ce81e
Mar-17 09:09:32.850 [Task submitter]
INFO nextflow.Session -
[7e/184f07] Submitted process > BOWTIE2TWINS (DH4_T1)
Mar-17 09:09:56.408 [Task monitor]
DEBUG n.processor.TaskPollingMonitor -
Task completed > TaskHandler[
jobId: 579084;
id: 180;
name: BOWTIE2TWINS (DH4_T1);
status: COMPLETED;
exit: 0;
error: -;
workDir: /data/metagenomics/pml_nextflow/work/7e/184f076728f7fca360e15c152ce81e
started: 1679015376405;
exited: 2023-03-17T01:09:55.108408Z;
Troubleshooting Nextflow resume