
最后发布时间 : 2024-05-27 21:22:25 浏览量 :



Array-Based SNP Genotyping

基于微阵列的 SNP 基因分型为检测感兴趣的变异提供了几个关键的优势。微阵列可以分析特定的基因组区域,从而有效地检测与你的生物系统相关的已知 SNP。

NGS-Based SNP Genotyping

NGS 驱动的 SNP 基因分型是发现重要的新基因组变异的有力方法。分析整个基因组或在目标区域进行深度测序,与其他技术相比,具有更高的灵敏度和发现能力。通过利用 NGS 的超高吞吐量能力、可伸缩性和速度,您将能够加快新型 SNP 和 SNV 的发现。

 The Manhattan plot for the genome-wide association study of obesity in the Korean female subjects.

The Manhattan plot for the genome-wide association study of obesity in the Korean female subjects.


  • This plot is based on -log10 (P-value) from GWAS and imputation analysis against chromosome position;
  • each color represents a different chromosome.
  • Blue horizontal line indicates the suggestive association threshold, P = 1 × 10-4. (A) BMR and (B) BMI in these study subjects.

Linkage Disequilibrium Plot figure of NRG3 gene SNPs , black arrow on chromosome 10, in obese Korean women including overweight.

Linkage Disequilibrium Plot figure of NRG3 gene SNPs , black arrow on chromosome 10, in obese Korean women including overweight.

The darker red in each diamond shape, stronger LD in association with BMR (A) and BMI (B).
