- 2010年The Genome Analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data是GATK的第一篇文章,它涵盖了GATK背后的计算哲学
- 2011年A framework for variation discovery and genotyping using next-generation DNA sequencing data最佳实践工作流程的首次体现,这是GATK的第二篇论文,更详细地描述了GATK中常用的一些关键工具,用于高通量测序数据处理和variant discovery。 本文涵盖了碱基质量分数重新校准(base quality sore recalibration)、indel重新校准(realignment)、SNP calling with UnifiedGenotyper 、变异质量分数重新校正(variant quality score recalibration)及其在深层全基因组、全外显子组和低通多样本调用中的应用。如果您使用gatk进variant discovery,这是一个很好的引用
- 2013年From FastQ data to high confidence variant calls: the Genome Analysis Toolkit best practices pipeline实践教程一步一步解释,这是GATK的第三篇论文,描述了Variant Discovery的最佳实践(version 2.x)。它主要是作为首次用户的学习资源和协议参考。最新的最贱时间是2020年的Genomics in the Cloud: Using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra。
- 2017年Scaling accurate genetic variant discovery to tens of thousands of samplesHaplotypeCaller的详细描述,germline joint calling的最佳参考,这是GATK的第四篇论文,如果在谈论联合调用过程(joint calling process),这是一个很好的引用。
- 2020年Genomics in the Cloud: Using Docker, GATK, and WDL in Terra这本书是使用GATK、Docker、WDL和Terra进行基因组学算法研究的权威参考。
Variant Analysis with GATK course (2019)
- Introduction to GATK Workshop
- Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing Data
- Introduction to Data Preprocessing
- Introduction to Variant Discovery
- Introduction to Germline Variant Discovery
- Introduction to Somatic Variant Discovery
- Introduction to Pipelining Platforms
- Introduction to a Case Study Analysis
- Variant Calling with HaplotypeCaller
- Joint Variant Calling
- Variant Filtering by Variant Quality Score Recalibration
- Genotype Refinement Workflow
- Callset Evaluation
- Introduction to Somatic Variant Discovery
- Somatic SNVs and Indels Discovery
- Pipelining with WDL and Cromwell
- Hello World WDL Tutorial
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Training
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to High-Throughput Sequencing Data
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Data Pre-processing
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Variant Discovery
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Pipeline Platforms
- BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Germline Variant Discovery
- BroadE: GATK - Haplotype Caller
- BroadE: GATK - JointCalling
- BroadE: GATK - Variant Filtering by Variant Quality Score Recalibration
- BroadE: GATK - Genotype Refinement
- BroadE: GATK - Callset Evaluation
- BroadE: GATK - Intro to Somatic Variant Discovery
- BroadE: GATK - Somatic SNVs and Indels
- BroadE: GATK - Somatic Copy Number Alterations
- BroadE: GATK - Pipelining with WDL and Cromwell