# 文件 i=sample1 seqkit seq -n -i temp/qc/${i}_1_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq|cut -f 1 -d '/' | head > temp/header_${i}_1 seqkit seq -n -i temp/qc/${i}_1_kneaddata_paired_2.fastq|cut -f 1 -d '/' | head > temp/header_${i}_2 cmp temp/header_${i}_?
报错'perl binaries are mismatched'的解决
e=~/miniconda3/envs/meta PERL5LIB=${e}/lib/5.26.2:${e}/lib/5.26.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
若出现错误 Unrecognized option: -d64,则安装java解决:
conda install -c cyclus java-jdk
方法1. 软件分析不考虑双端信息,只用一端可获得相近结果,且速度提高1倍。链接质控结果左端高质量至合并目录
for i in `tail -n+2 result/metadata.txt|cut -f1`;do ln -sf `pwd`/temp/qc/${i}_1_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq temp/concat/${i}.fq done
方法2. 控制标准样比对时间。测序数据量通常为6~50G,同一样本分析时间可达10h~100h,严重浪费时间而浪费硬盘空间。可用head对单端分析截取20M序列,即3G,则为80M行
for i in `tail -n+2 result/metadata.txt|cut -f1`;do head -n80000000 temp/qc/${i}_1_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq > temp/concat/${i}.fq done
方法1. 使用软件安装的用户运行一下程序即可下载成功
方法2. 将我们预下载好的数据索引文件,链接到软件安装目录
db=~/db soft=~/miniconda2 mkdir -p ${soft}/bin/db_v20 ln -s ${db}/metaphlan2/* ${soft}/bin/db_v20/ mkdir -p ${soft}/bin/databases ln -s ${db}/metaphlan2/* ${soft}/bin/databases/
查看文件位置是否处在conda环境中:type bowtie2。如果不在需要手动设置环境变量的顺序,如果位置正确如在(~/miniconda2/envs/humann2/bin/bowtie2),请往下看;
type bowtie2
检测bowtie2运行情况:bowtie2 -h,报错wd.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xde00080, needed 0xed00080)。 错误原因为Perl库版本错误,检查Perl库位置:echo $PERL5LIB,错误原因没有指向环境,并手动修改perl库位置
bowtie2 -h
wd.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xde00080, needed 0xed00080)
echo $PERL5LIB
# 设置你环境变量位置,最好用绝对路径 e=~/miniconda2/envs/humann2 PERL5LIB=${e}/lib/5.26.2:${e}/lib/5.26.2/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
在网上搜索,axisbg和axis_bgcolor为过时的函数,新版为facecolor,修改为新名称即可 (参考:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41185868/article/details/81842971)
# 定位文件绝对路径 file=`type metaphlan_hclust_heatmap.py|cut -f 2 -d '('|sed 's/)//'` # 替换函数名称为新版 sed -i 's/axisbg/facecolor/g' $file
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"}{if(FNR==1) {for(i=9;i<=NF;i++) a[i]=$i; print "Tax\tGroup"} \ else {for(i=9;i<=NF;i++) if($i>0.05) print "Tax_"FNR, a[i];}}' \ result/metaphlan2/taxonomy.spf > result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_highabundance.tsv awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"}{if(FNR==1) {print "Tax\tGrpcombine";} else a[$1]=a[$1]==""?$2:a[$1]$2;}END{for(i in a) print i,a[i]}' \ result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_highabundance.tsv > result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_group.tsv cut -f 2 result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_group.tsv | tail -n +2 | sort -u >group for i in `cat group`; do printf "#%02x%02x%02x\n" $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)); done >colorcode paste group colorcode >group_colorcode awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"}ARGIND==1{a[$1]=$2;}ARGIND==2{if(FNR==1) {print $0, "Grpcombinecolor"} else print $0,a[$2]}' \ group_colorcode result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_group.tsv > result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_group2.tsv awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"}{if(FNR==1) {print "Tax",$1,$2,$3,$4, $5, $6, $7, $8 } else print "Tax_"FNR, $1,$2,$3,$4, $5,$6, $7, $8}' \ result/metaphlan2/taxonomy.spf > result/metaphlan2/taxonomy_anno.tsv
若出现错误 Unknown property axis_bgcolor,则修改lefse-plot_cladogram.py里的ax_bgcolor替换成facecolor即可。
# 查看脚本位置,然后使用RStudio或Vim修改 type lefse-plot_cladogram.py
combine_mpa.py \ -i `tail -n+2 result/metadata.txt|cut -f1|sed 's/^/temp\/kraken2\//;s/$/.mpa/'|tr '\n' ' '` \ -o temp/kraken2/combined_mpa
mkdir -p temp/kraken2_qc parallel -j 3 \ "/db/script/extract_kraken_reads.py \ -k temp/kraken2/{1}.output \ -r temp/kraken2/{1}.report \ -1 temp/qc/{1}_1_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq \ -2 temp/qc/{1}_1_kneaddata_paired_2.fastq \ -t 33090 33208 --include-children --exclude \ --max 20000000 --fastq-output \ -o temp/kraken2_qc/{1}_1.fq \ -o2 temp/kraken2_qc/{1}_2.fq" \ ::: `tail -n+2 result/metadata.txt|cut -f1`
megahit默认>200,可选 > 500 / 1000 bp,并统计前后变化;如此处筛选 > 500 bp,序列从15万变为3.5万条,总长度从7M下降到3M
mv temp/megahit/final.contigs.fa temp/megahit/raw.contigs.fa seqkit seq -m 500 temp/megahit/raw.contigs.fa > temp/megahit/final.contigs.fa seqkit stat temp/megahit/raw.contigs.fa seqkit stat temp/megahit/final.contigs.fa
报错信息:126 - Too many vertices in the unitig graph (8403694648 >= 4294967294), you may increase the kmer size to remove tons
添加参数: --k-min 29 --k-max 141 --k-step 20
# 3G数据,耗时3h i=SampleA time metaspades.py -t 48 -m 500 \ -1 seq/${i}_1.fastq -2 seq/${i}L_2.fastq \ --nanopore seq/${i}.fastq \ -o temp/metaspades_${i}
perl ../OPERA-MS.pl \ --short-read1 R1.fastq.gz \ --short-read2 R2.fastq.gz \ --long-read long_read.fastq \ --no-ref-clustering \ --num-processors 32 \ --out-dir RESULTS
perl ~/soft/OPERA-MS/OPERA-MS.pl \ --contig-file temp/megahit/final.contigs.fa \ --short-read1 R1.fastq.gz \ --short-read2 R2.fastq.gz \ --long-read long_read.fastq \ --num-processors 32 \ --no-ref-clustering \ --no-strain-clustering \ --no-polishing \ --out-dir temp/opera
结果可用quast或seqkit stat统计对二代组装的改进效果
# 拆分contigs,按1M条每个文件 n=10000 seqkit split result/megahit/final.contigs.fa -s $n # 生成拆分文件序列列表 ls result/megahit/final.contigs.fa.split/final.contigs.part_*.fa|cut -f 2 -d '_'|cut -f 1 -d '.' \ > temp/split.list # 9线程并行基因预测,此步只用单线程且读写强度不大 time parallel -j 9 \ "prodigal -i result/megahit/final.contigs.fa.split/final.contigs.part_{}.fa \ -d temp/gene{}.fa \ -o temp/gene{}.gff -p meta -f gff \ > temp/gene{}.log 2>&1 " \ ::: `cat temp/split.list` # 合并预测基因和gff注释文件 cat temp/gene*.fa > temp/prodigal/gene.fa cat temp/gene*.gff > temp/prodigal/gene.gff
cd-hit-est-2d 两批次构建非冗余基因集
A和B基因集,分别有M和N个非冗余基因,两批数据合并后用cd-hit-est去冗余,计算量是(M + N) X (M + N -1)
cd-hit-est-2d比较,只有M X N的计算量
# 计算B中特有的基因 cd-hit-est-2d -i A.fa -i2 B.fa -o B.uni.fa \ -aS 0.9 -c 0.95 -G 0 -g 0 \ -T 96 -M 0 -d 0 # 合并为非冗余基因集 cat A.fa B.uni.fa > NR.fa
# [error] In FixFasta, two references with the same name but different sequences: k141_2390219_1. We require that all input records have a unique name up to the first whitespace (or user-provided separator) character. # 错误解决 mv temp/NRgene/gene.fa temp/NRgene/gene.fa.bak # 15G,2m,4G seqkit rename temp/NRgene/gene.fa.bak -o temp/NRgene/gene.fa
alias salmon="${soft}/envs/metagenome_env/share/salmon/bin/salmon"
脚本位于 /db/script 目录,https://www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_brite?ko00001.keg 下载htext,即为最新输入文件 ko00001.keg
kegg_ko00001_htext2tsv.pl -i ko00001.keg -o ko00001.tsv
# 使用3.1.0和3.1.2均有警告,修改序列名至纯字母数数字也无效 # WARNING 2021-07-08 08:58:00,478 : Exception : <class 'KeyError'> -> '5141' -> Model(1692) missing in database. Please generate new database. # WARNING 2021-07-08 08:58:00,478 : Exception : <class 'KeyError'> -> '5141' -> Model(1692) # WARNING 2021-07-08 08:58:00,479 : tetM ---> hsp.bits: 60.8 <class 'float'> ? <class 'str'>
mkdir -p temp/resfam result/resfam # 比对至抗生素数据库 1m time diamond blastp \ --db ${db}/resfam/Resfams-proteins \ --query result/NR/protein.fa \ --threads 9 --outfmt 6 --sensitive \ -e 1e-5 --max-target-seqs 1 --quiet \ --out temp/resfam/gene_diamond.f6 # 提取基因对应抗性基因列表 cut -f 1,2 temp/resfam/gene_diamond.f6 | uniq | \ sed '1 i Name\tResGeneID' > temp/resfam/gene_fam.list # 统计注释基因的比例, 488/19182=2.5% wc -l temp/resfam/gene_fam.list result/salmon/gene.count # 按列表累计丰度 summarizeAbundance.py \ -i result/salmon/gene.TPM \ -m temp/resfam/gene_fam.list \ -c 2 -s ',' -n raw \ -o result/resfam/TPM # 结果中添加FAM注释,spf格式用于stamp分析 awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR==FNR{a[$1]=$4"\t"$3"\t"$2} NR>FNR{print a[$1],$0}' \ ${db}/resfam/Resfams-proteins_class.tsv result/resfam/TPM.ResGeneID.raw.txt \ > result/resfam/TPM.ResGeneID.raw.spf
# ERROR: ['BMN5'] are not present in the input list of genome to process,但并无此菌,可能是名称 中存在"-"或".",替换为i # 修改metadata sed 's/-/i/;s/\./i/' result/metadatab.txt > result/metadata.txt # 修改文件名 awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"}{system("mv temp/antismash/"$1".fna temp/antismash/"$2".fna")ll }' <(paste result/metadatab.txt result/metadata.txt|tail -n+2)