UHR是从10种不同的癌细胞系中分离的总RNA。HBR是从23名不同年龄但大多为60-80岁的白种人(男性和女性)的大脑中分离出的总RNA。ERCC ExFold RNA Spike-In Control Mixes被添加到每个样本中。Mix1被添加到UHR样品中,Mix2被添加到HBR样品中。我们还为每个样本进行了3次完整的实验复制The spike-in consists of 92 transcripts that are present in known concentrations across a wide abundance range (from very few copies to many copies). This range allows us to test the degree to which the RNA-seq assay (including all laboratory and analysis steps) accurately reflects the relative abundance of transcript species within a sample.
包含chr22和 ERCC transcript的 fasta 文件
gzip -dc chr22_with_ERCC92.fa.gz > chr22_with_ERCC92.fa
chr22和 ERCC 的注释文件
gzip -dc chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf.gz > chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf
RNA-Seq 数据包括在对数生长(Sp _ log)、平台期(Sp _ plat)、热休克(Sp _ hs)和双功能移位(Sp _ ds)4种不同条件下生长的粟酒裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharoymyces pombe,fission yeast)对应的配对末端76碱基链特异性 Illumina RNA-Seq reads。数据来源: https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/RNASeq_Trinity_Tuxedo_Workshop/wiki数据下载:https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/RNASeq_Trinity_Tuxedo_Workshop/tree/master/RNASEQ_data
RNA sequencing: the teenage years
RNA-Seq differential expression analysis: An extended review and a software tool
Coupling mRNA processing with transcription in time and space
PARS、SHAPE-Seq\SHAPE-MaP相当于RNA-RNA的Interaction,测定DNA-DNA Interaction 的技术为Hi-C