
  1. GATK4.0数据分析实战
  2. GATK4.0 理论
  3. 变异分析文件和工具
  4. 变异注释
  5. variant discovery





Variant Analysis with GATK course (2019)

course materials

  1. Introduction to GATK Workshop
  2. Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing Data
  3. Introduction to Data Preprocessing
  4. Introduction to Variant Discovery
  5. Introduction to Germline Variant Discovery
  6. Introduction to Somatic Variant Discovery
  7. Introduction to Pipelining Platforms
  8. Introduction to a Case Study Analysis
  9. Variant Calling with HaplotypeCaller
  10. Joint Variant Calling
  11. Variant Filtering by Variant Quality Score Recalibration
  12. Genotype Refinement Workflow
  13. Callset Evaluation
  14. Introduction to Somatic Variant Discovery
  15. Somatic SNVs and Indels Discovery
  16. Pipelining with WDL and Cromwell
  17. Hello World WDL Tutorial

BroadE: GATK (March 2019)

  1. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Training
  2. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to High-Throughput Sequencing Data
  3. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Data Pre-processing
  4. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Variant Discovery
  5. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Pipeline Platforms
  6. BroadE: GATK - Introduction to Germline Variant Discovery
  7. BroadE: GATK - Haplotype Caller
  8. BroadE: GATK - JointCalling
  9. BroadE: GATK - Variant Filtering by Variant Quality Score Recalibration
  10. BroadE: GATK - Genotype Refinement
  11. BroadE: GATK - Callset Evaluation
  12. BroadE: GATK - Intro to Somatic Variant Discovery
  13. BroadE: GATK - Somatic SNVs and Indels
  14. BroadE: GATK - Somatic Copy Number Alterations
  15. BroadE: GATK - Pipelining with WDL and Cromwell