library(tidyverse) cjb <- read.csv("/home/wy/Downloads/cjb.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
plot3d( x=cjb$sx, y=cjb$wl, z=cjb$sw, xlab = "Math", ylab="Physics", zlab = "Biology", type = "s", size = 0.6, col = c("red","green")[cjb$wlfk] )
library(aplpack) select_cols <- c("wl","hx","sw") select_rows <- c(488,393,490,440, 287,289,292,293) faces(cjb[select_rows,select_cols], ncol.plot = 4, nrow.plot = 2, face.type =1)
effect of variables: modified item Var "height of face " "wl" "width of face " "hx" "structure of face" "sw" "height of mouth " "wl" "width of mouth " "hx" "smiling " "sw" "height of eyes " "wl" "width of eyes " "hx" "height of hair " "sw" "width of hair " "wl" "style of hair " "hx" "height of nose " "sw" "width of nose " "wl" "width of ear " "hx" "height of ear " "sw"
cjb_top_w <- cjb %>% filter(wlfk=="文科") %>% mutate(zcj = rowSums(.[4:12])) %>% arrange(zcj) %>% select(4:13) %>% mutate_at(vars(yw:sw),jitter) %>% head(n= 50) cjb_top_l <- cjb %>% filter(wlfk=="理科") %>% mutate(zcj = rowSums(.[4:12])) %>% arrange(zcj) %>% select(4:13) %>% mutate_at(vars(yw:sw),jitter) %>% head(n= 50) cjb_top <- rbind(cjb_top_w,cjb_top_l) GGally::ggparcoord(cjb_top,columns =1:9,groupColumn = 10)+ geom_point()
breaks <- c(0,seq(50,100,len=11)) wl_sx_freq <- cjb %>% select(wl,sx) %>% mutate_at( vars(wl,sx), function(x){ cut(x,breaks = breaks) } )%>% group_by(wl,sx) %>% summarise(freq = n()) %>% complete(wl,sx,fill = list(freq=0)) wl_sx_freq # A tibble: 1,453 x 3 # Groups: wl [12] # wl sx freq # <fct> <fct> <dbl> # 1 (0,50] (0,50] 1 # 2 (0,50] (50,55] 0 # 3 (0,50] (55,60] 0 # 4 (0,50] (60,65] 4 # 5 (0,50] (65,70] 4 # 6 (0,50] (70,75] 2 # 7 (0,50] (75,80] 0 # 8 (0,50] (80,85] 1 # 9 (0,50] (85,90] 0 # 10 (0,50] (90,95] 1 # … with 1,443 more rows ggplot(wl_sx_freq,aes(x=wl,y=sx,fill=freq))+ geom_tile(colour="white",size = 0.5)+ geom_text(aes(label=freq),size=3)+ scale_fill_gradient(low = "white",high = "red")+ theme(axis.title.x = element_text( angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5 ))+ coord_fixed()
library(clustertend) set.seed(2012) scores <- cjb %>% select(yw:sw) n <- floor(nrow(cjb)*0.05) hopkins_stat <- unlist(replicate(100,hopkins(scores,n))) mean(hopkins_stat) # [1] 0.09244976