docker run \ --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \ --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \ -v $HOME/neo4j/plugins:/var/lib/neo4j/plugins \ -v $HOME/neo4j/conf/apoc.conf:/var/lib/neo4j/conf/apoc.conf \ -v -v $HOME/neo4j/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import \ neo4j
sudo cp /var/lib/neo4j/labs/apoc- /var/lib/neo4j/plugins/ sudo chown neo4j:neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/plugins/apoc- sudo systemctl restart neo4j
What’s cooking? Part 1: Importing BBC goodfood information into Neo4j
"97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","butter" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","flour" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","dark chocolate" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","egg" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","ground almond" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","kirsch" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","salt""caster sugar" "97123","Seriously rich chocolate cake","cocoa powder"
CREATE INDEX ON:Ingredient(value); CREATE INDEX ON:Recipe(id); LOAD CSV FROM "file:///bbcgoodfood.csv" AS line MERGE (r:Recipe {id:line[0]}) ON CREATE SET r.title= line[1] MERGE (i:Ingredient {value:line[2]}) CREATE (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i)
:params jsonFile => "file:///stream_all.json"; CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.title AS title MERGE (r:Recipe {id: id}) SET r.name = title;
CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.recipe.ingredients AS ingredients MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) FOREACH (ingredient IN ingredients | MERGE (i:Ingredient {name: ingredient}) MERGE (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) );
CREATE INDEX ON :Recipe(id); CREATE INDEX ON :Ingredient(name); CREATE INDEX ON :Keyword(name); CREATE INDEX ON :DietType(name); CREATE INDEX ON :Author(name); CREATE INDEX ON :Collection(name); :params jsonFile => "file:///stream_all.json"; CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.title AS title, value.page.article.description AS description, value.page.recipe.cooking_time AS cookingTime, value.page.recipe.prep_time AS preparationTime, value.page.recipe.skill_level AS skillLevel MERGE (r:Recipe {id: id}) SET r.cookingTime = cookingTime, r.preparationTime = preparationTime, r.name = title, r.description = description, r.skillLevel = skillLevel; CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.article.author AS author MERGE (a:Author {name: author}) WITH a,id MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) MERGE (a)-[:WROTE]->(r); CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.recipe.ingredients AS ingredients MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) FOREACH (ingredient IN ingredients | MERGE (i:Ingredient {name: ingredient}) MERGE (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) ); CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.recipe.keywords AS keywords MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) FOREACH (keyword IN keywords | MERGE (k:Keyword {name: keyword}) MERGE (r)-[:KEYWORD]->(k) ); CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.recipe.diet_types AS dietTypes MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) FOREACH (dietType IN dietTypes | MERGE (d:DietType {name: dietType}) MERGE (r)-[:DIET_TYPE]->(d) ); CALL apoc.load.json($jsonFile) YIELD value WITH value.page.article.id AS id, value.page.recipe.collections AS collections MATCH (r:Recipe {id:id}) FOREACH (collection IN collections | MERGE (c:Collection {name: collection}) MERGE (r)-[:COLLECTION]->(c) );
MATCH (i:Ingredient)<-[rel:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]-(r:Recipe) RETURN i.name, count(rel) as recipes order by recipes desc
MATCH (r:Recipe {id:'97123'})-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i:Ingredient)<-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]-(rec:Recipe) WITH rec, COUNT(*) as commonIngredients RETURN rec.name, rec.id ORDER BY commonIngredients DESC LIMIT 10
MATCH (rec:Recipe)<-[:WROTE]-(a:Author)-[:WROTE]->(r:Recipe {id:'97123'}) RETURN rec.name, rec.id
MATCH (r:Recipe) WHERE (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: "chilli"}) RETURN r.name AS recipe, [(r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) | i.name] AS ingredients
但是,如果我们想找到包含多种成分(例如辣椒和虾)的食谱怎么办?一种方法是更新我们的 WHERE 子句以查找包含这些成分的所有食谱:
MATCH (r:Recipe) WHERE (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: "chilli"}) AND (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: "prawn"}) RETURN r.name AS recipe, [(r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) | i.name] AS ingredients LIMIT 20
:param ingredients => ["egg", "onion", "milk"]; MATCH (r:Recipe) WHERE all(i in $ingredients WHERE exists( (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: i}))) RETURN r.name AS recipe, [(r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) | i.name] AS ingredients ORDER BY size(ingredients) LIMIT 20
:param allergens => ["egg", "milk"]; :param ingredients => ["coconut milk", "rice"]; MATCH (r:Recipe) WHERE all(i in $ingredients WHERE exists( (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: i}))) AND none(i in $allergens WHERE exists( (r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(:Ingredient {name: i}))) RETURN r.name AS recipe, [(r)-[:CONTAINS_INGREDIENT]->(i) | i.name] AS ingredients ORDER BY size(ingredients) LIMIT 20
“在计算机视觉中,食物大多被忽视,因为我们没有进行预测所需的大规模数据集,”麻省理工学院博士后 Yusuf Aytar 说,他与麻省理工学院教授 Antonio Torralba 共同撰写了一篇关于该系统的论文。 “但社交媒体上看似无用的照片实际上可以提供有关健康习惯和饮食偏好的宝贵见解。”
给定一张食品照片,Pic2Recipe 可以识别面粉、鸡蛋和黄油等成分,然后建议一些它确定与数据库中的图像相似的食谱。 (该团队有一个在线演示,人们可以上传自己的食物照片来测试。)
维也纳 MODUL 大学新媒体技术系助理教授 Christoph Trattner 表示:“你可以想象人们用它来跟踪他们的日常营养,或者在餐厅拍摄他们的饭菜,然后知道在家做饭需要什么。”
“这可能会帮助人们在没有明确的营养信息的情况下弄清楚食物中的成分,”海因斯说。 “例如,如果您知道一道菜中包含哪些成分,但不知道数量,则可以拍照,输入成分,然后运行模型来查找已知数量的类似食谱,然后使用该信息来近似您自己的食谱。一顿饭。”