flink in bioinfomatics
最后发布时间:2023-09-16 10:03:34
The following command corrects a paired-end dataset using Flink and k-mer length of 15, while merging the output files in HDFS:
flinkrun --args "-p dataset1.fastq dataset2.fastq -k 24 -m file:/output"
flink run "$@" --class es.udc.gac.bigdec.RunEC $BIGDEC_HOME/target/bigdec-bin.jar flink ${BIGDEC_ARGS}
The following command corrects a single-end dataset using Spark and specifies the output directory in HDFS:
sparkrun --args "-s dataset.fastq -o /output"
spark-submit "$@" --class es.udc.gac.bigdec.RunEC $BIGDEC_HOME/target/bigdec-bin.jar spark ${BIGDEC_ARGS}