

  1. 杰克无论在学校还是独自工作,每天都在锻炼。

Jack, whether at school or on his own,works out every day.

  1. 蓝色象征着圣母玛利亚,坚毅和忠诚,象征着女性气质。

Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness,symbolized femininity.

  1. 杰克说,大多数游客(80%来自法国等欧洲国家)和大约10%是亚洲人(例如中国人),他们在世界上起着举足轻重的作用。

The majority of the visitors, 80% ,are from European countries, like France, and about 10% are are Asians, such as Chinese, who play a virtually important role in the worlds, Jack said.

脱掉介词短语以to do不定式



  1. 在这项研究中,特拉维夫大学的研究人员对整个人脑中的性别差异进行了搜索。

In the Study, Tel Aviv University researchers searched for sex differences throughout the entire human brains.

  1. 如今,EFK计划在美国32个州和21个国家的144个分支机构中“运作”。

Today, the EFK program operates over 144 branches in 32 states within the United States and in 21 countries.

  1. 在1960年代,美国将近17%的可自由支配支出用于研发。

In the 1960s, the United States devoted nearly 17% of discretionary spending to research and development.


  1. 有始有终

Everything that has a begin has an end.


  1. 传统观点“将教育作为促进贫穷国家经济快速发展的最高优先事项之一”的观点是错误的。

the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.

  1. 许多患者还“更好地了解”将疾病降落在“医院”中的“疾病”。

Many patients also gained a better understandingof the illnessesthat landed them in the hospital in the first place.

This asynchrony creates major problems when you want to understand the sequence of regulatory changes that occur as cells transition from one state to the next.
Monocle is able to learn when cells should be placed in the same trajectory as opposed to separate trajectories through its clustering procedure.